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Officers:Master at Arms Regulations

10 bytes removed, 21:14, 1 October 2017
5. General Rules for Kit
==5. General Rules for Kit==
1. # All individuals taking part in Regia combat displays must present themselves
and everything that they intend to use in the display to the MaA (or one of
their appointed deputies) before the start of the display. Those who fail to do
this are in breach of the Society’s rules. They may be asked to leave the display,
and may be liable under the disciplinary sections of the Code of Law.<br>
2. # No article of wargear shall show evidence of modern manufacture (e.g. spin ningspinning,machining).<br>3. # All wargear was a mark of status in the period and should be treated andmaintained as such. No article of wargear will be allowed on the field if itsoverall condition is deemed to be poor.<br>4. # The MaA reserves the right to ban articles which would not normally fall intotheir remit on the grounds of safety (e.g. hobs on shoes, or spurs) if in theiropinion they constitute a safety hazard.<br>5. # It must be noted that it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that, atthe time of any check, his kit is in a safe and satisfactory condition for use.For the purpose of the kit check, any kit or equipment that is loaned to an individualis the responsibility of that individual. It is therefore their responsibil ityresponsibility to ensure that it complies with all of the Society’s rules.<br>6. # ‘Datelines’ which have been set for an event apply to ALL activities relating tothat event, including training sessions, unless notice is given otherwise.<br>7. # If a member of the Society attends muster with an article of protective gearthat is banned by the Master-at-Arms, then that member of the Society maynot take the field of combat. If that member wishes to remove the article andreapply to join the field of combat, they is free to do so. Please note that allmembers of the Society take partin combat at their own risk.<br>8. # All wargear should be in proportionto the user. That is to say thatthe user must be physically capableof wielding or wearing theequipment safely. Also, for example,if the user is very large thenthey should not select weaponsand wargear that have beenmanufactured to the minimumpermitted sizes.
==6. Mandatory Rulings for All Weapons==
Regia-AO, Regia-Officers, bureaucrat, administrator

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