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Officers:Master at Arms Regulations

114 bytes added, 21:08, 28 September 2017
8.3 Leather, Cloth and Padded Armour
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'''Gambesons only ever worn under chain mail'''<br>These may be made from cloth or leather and may be padded or not. Any design is acceptableas long as it is not seen protruding from under the mail shirt. Gambesons may howeverbe sewn to the mail shirt being attached by a leather strip around the mail shirts edge.Unlike on visible jacks metal buckles may be used but they must never be shown to thepublic. Only gambesons that match the criteria for those worn as visible armour are allowedto be displayed in armouries or as items for ‘dressing the knight’.<br>
'''Gambesons or jacks worn as visible armour'''<br>Padded cloth gambesons can be worn for a limited time only on the understanding that themember is in the process of procuring a mail shirt within 12 months. Leather jacks, paddedor not may be worn as visible body armour. They may be made in the style of either a waistcoator as a short sleeved, skirted tunic. Metal buckles and fittings must not be used,Leather toggles or ties may be used to close the garment instead. Only authentic styles ofleather may be used for leather jacks, no chrome or suede. Either diamond or tubed paddingstyles are permissible.Leather gambesons and jacks must not be dyedblack.<br>
<big>'''Ethnic Specific Cloth Armour'''</big><br>'''Viking Warrior Coats'''<br>793 - 979 Viking warriors with Viking style weaponsand jewellery may wear a ‘Warrior Style’ wraparound jacket. These must be made of wool andlined. Ideally it should have a faced or tablet wovenedge. They should fold over and be pinned on thewearer’s right hip.<br>
'''Angevin Surcoat'''<br>1180 - 1215 Angevin knights may wear an optionalsurcoat. Ideally they should be of one plain colourand must not have a design that matches theshield. Note that ‘quartered’ designs should not beused and ‘half’ designs are rare although both areconsidered Acceptable.<br>
==8.4. Limb Armour==
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