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Officers:Master at Arms Regulations

41 bytes added, 20:47, 28 September 2017
9. Warriors
==9. Warriors==
<big>'''The Warrior System'''</big><br>
To advance through the warrior system combatants must gain and improve their kit. At each level of advancement the member is expected to have:<br>
'''Level 1 – Levy – 1 Hit'''<br>
A battle field safe in spear (preferably single handed but 2 handed is acceptable) and shield, these items may be borrowed.<br>
'''Level 2 - Militia – 2 Hits'''<br>
A full pass pass in spear (single or 2 handed). <br>
They must own their own spear and shield.<br>
They must have at least one authentic name.<br>
'''Level 3 - Warrior – 3 Hits'''<br>
A full pass in a short arm and a battle field safe in another short arm. A helmet and mail shirt, which must be worn on the battlefield to have
the 3rd hit point. Ideally they should take to the battlefield with a spear as their primary weapon. They must own their own war gear and it must be in a good state of repair and of good craftsmanship. It must also be of matching ethnicity and time period. They must have an authentic name for each ethnic character they represent.<br>
'''Becoming a Warrior'''<br>
Members seeking to advance to Warrior level must ask the Master at Arms and an MaA Deputy, who at the same time will examine their kit. Opportunities for this will normally be after the battle practice and after the afternoon battle. Advice will be given and if both deputies agree then the members book will be stamped.<br>
'''Warriors and Authenticity Checks'''<br>
Just like warriors only have two hits when they remove their armour, they also forfeit their third hit if they take the field wearing any item of kit that is currently being phased out and is therefore classed as unacceptable. Hopefully this will be pointed out during the day at one of the authenticity checks or Master at Arms checks and the member given time to either remove the item or modify it, but the Event Kit Guides usually make this clear and can be consulted before attending an event.<br>
Regia-AO, Regia-Officers, bureaucrat, administrator

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