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The Code of Law

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==The Constitution of Regia Anglorum==
i. This Constitution shall set down the rights of each of the members of
Regia Anglorum
ii. All members of Regia Anglorum are equally bound to comply with it,
and with the other Regulations of Regia Anglorum. The Constitution
and Regulations shall together be referred to as the ‘Code of Law’
iii. Within the CoL the use of pronouns of the third person shall be
deemed to be generic of both number and gender.
iv. Notes within the CoL are part of and have the authority of the CoL.
v. The CoL shall be subject to review and reform by the High Witan of
Regia Anglorum.
===1. The Title===
i. The Society, an Unincorporated Association, shall be called ‘Regia
Anglorum’, and is hereafter referred to as ‘Regia’ or ‘the Society’ in this
ii. The Title of the Society shall not indicate a geographical area
===2. Aims and Objectives===
i. Regia shall be a non-religious, non-political and non-profit-making
ii. It shall recreate the society of the British Isles and their near neighbours in
the period c. 950-1066 AD as authentically as practicable
iii. It shall enable these recreations to inform, educate and entertain the
general public.
===3. The Government of the Society===
i. Regia shall be governed by a committee (hereafter referred to as the
‘High Witan’), made up of a delegate from each recognised local group
within the Society, and the Society Officers elected by the High Witan
(See R2 below).
ii. Each local group within Regia shall be governed by a committee, made
up of the chosen leader of that group, and such officers appointed by
the group (see C5B below).
iii. In the event of the winding up of the Society, the Society may sell or
dispose of the whole or any part of the Society’s assets for such
consideration as the Society may think fit.
iv. In the event of the winding up of the Society, any assets remaining
after the settlement of all debts of the Society will be deemed the
common property of all members of the Society.
===4. Membership of the Society===
ii. Persons can only apply to join Regia through a local group, and are
initially affiliated to the group through which they applied to join Regia
(see R7iv below). Members can transfer their affiliation to another
iii. Applications for membership may be made by any eligible person
iv. Registered drug addicts are not eligible for membership of the Society.
v. A member of the Society who is convicted of a criminal offence that is
triable only by indictment or an either way offence, which is triable by
either indictment or summarily, shall have their suitability for
membership reviewed. Members who are in any doubt should consult
their Group Leader or the Lawspeaker for advice. A member who is
found to have concealed such information may have their membership
a). Any review carried out under the above shall take place within 60
days of the conviction or of the time when the conviction came to the
attention of the Society
b) Any such review shall be conducted according to the principles of
Natural Justice and will be governed by sections 4A of the Constitution
and 6 of the Regulations of the Society
v. An applicant for membership of the Society who has been convicted of
an offence as detailed in C4iv above shall only be admitted to
membership at the discretion of his local Group Leader, who shall take
the advice of the Society in each individual case. Any applicant who is
found to have knowingly concealed such information at the time of
application shall have their membership immediately revoked
vi. Persons expelled from Regia Anglorum are not eligible to rejoin
vii. Persons whose membership of the Society has lapsed (see C4Cii
below) can only rejoin Regia by application to the group from which
they lapsed. The Society reserves the right, expressed through the
relevant local group, to refuse such application without explanation. If
their membership has lapsed for more than 12 months then they must
make a fresh application to join Regia through the group that operates
in their area
viii. All applications for membership must be sponsored by a Full Member
of the local group to which the applicant will be affiliated. The
sponsoring member is responsible for the conduct of the applicant at
public events during his probationary period. This period comes to an
end at the next public event attended by the new member after the
committee of the group decides to confirm the membership of the new
member (see C4Aii below) and shall be publicly marked.
ix. Regia reserves the right to refuse membership to any applicant.
x. Regia reserves the right to immediately expel from a public event any
member who, whether by action or inaction, brings the Society into
disrepute. Further punitive action may be taken by the member’s group
or by the High Witan (see C4A and R6 below)
xi. Regia reserves the right, expressed through the High Witan, to
examine any behaviour, action or inaction occurring within the Society.
xii. All Regia members, of whatever type, are bound by the Code of Law
===4A. Probationary Membership===
i. All applications for membership must be made on the Society’s current
membership form. This must be completed according to the
requirements of the Membership Officer and forwarded to him on
completion with the capitation fee within 14 days. In addition to this, the
local group shall inform the Society Membership Officer of the identity
of any new member upon their recruitment.
ii. Every new member of Regia joins for a probationary period. This shall
last for a minimum of three and a maximum of twelve months, but within
these limits shall be completed at the end of the sixth full day of
costumed attendance at a Society event.
iii. During this period, the Group (or the Society, through the High Witan)
has the power to dismiss that person. In such cases, the membership fee
shall be returned, kit and equipment issued, lent or purchased at cost from
group stores must be handed back and a refund given by the group for the
amount spent on such equipment according to condition. The decision of
the Group (or the High Witan) allows of no appeal.
iv. The Lawspeaker and MO shall be informed of the names of persons
expelled by local groups under the above rule.
v. Probationary periods may be extended by agreement of the local group
and the member concerned
vi. Once a member has been formally accepted, he can only be
dismissed through a disciplinary hearing. Such hearings may only be held
a) The Officers of the local group. In this case the member has the right
to have the matter heard before an assembly of at least 67% of the
local group.
b) The HW, whether at its Business Meetings or at a meeting specially
convened for the purpose.
vii. Such disciplinary hearings must be held under R6 below
===4B. Types of Membership===
i. Full Membership. Any eligible person of the age of eighteen years or
above may apply for Full Membership of Regia through the local group
that operates in his area. A successful applicant may then fully
participate in the activities and government of the Society and the local
group of which he is a member. All Full members are eligible for
consideration for Society or group office.
ii. Associate Membership. Any eligible person of the age of eighteen
years or above may apply for Associate Membership of Regia through the
local group that operates in his area. Associate Membership is intended for
those who wish to pursue academic or personal research. Associate
Members may not participate in public events, nor in the government of the
Society. Associate Members are ineligible for Society or group office.
Associate members may become Full Members at any time, on payment of
the difference in fees.
iii. Junior Membership. . Any eligible person of the age of sixteen to
eighteen years may apply for Junior Membership of Regia through the local
group that operates in his area. A successful applicant may participate in any
activity deemed suitable by his group leader. Junior members will be in the
legal care and protection of their group leader at Regia events, unless
one or more of their parents or legal guardians are present
iv. Combatant Junior Membership A Junior member may apply to
engage in combat after his sixteenth birthday with the permission of his group
leader and his legal guardian(s). Such permission must be given in writing
after the legal guardian(s) have attended at least one Society or local group
training session. A combatant Junior Member at a Regia event must have
satisfied the Society Training Officer that he is capable of and competent in
combat. He must carry a black shield to indicate his status
v. No Junior Member shall participate in the government of the Society.
Junior Members are ineligible for Society or group office.
vi. Family Membership. Children below the age of sixteen years of full
adult members of the Society are eligible for Family Membership of Regia
through the local group that operates in their area. A membership form must
be completed by or for them and lodged with the Society Membership Officer.
Parents, legal guardians or persons acting in loco parentis are entirely
responsible for the safety and good conduct of the child, and that the child is
dressed and equipped in the authentic costume of Regia’s period.
vii. Temporary Membership. Any eligible person may apply for
Temporary Membership of Regia through the local group that operates in his
area. Temporary Membership of the Society is available to those who are not
certain that they wish to become a Member of the Society, but wish to
experience Regia’s activities. The regulations covering the relevant type of
membership shall apply in each case.
a. Temporary Membership is only available for two Society events and any
local training event within a two month period by filling in the
appropriate form and paying the relevant fee. The form and fee shall be
sent to the MO by the local GL seven days in advance of the first event
the Temporary Member is to participate in
b. All Temporary Members must comply with the Code of Law and be
mentored by the group they have joined.
c. Each Temporary Member can only attend further events in that
membership year by becoming a Full Member
d. The GL must inform the MO, and all relevant Society Officers about the
Temporary Member before that member’s participation in an event.
e. Temporary Members who successfully apply for Full Membership within
fourteen days of the expiration of the two month period shall only pay
the outstanding balance due.
f. Lapsed Members of Regia are not automatically eligible for Temporary
Membership and may attend a Regia event only with the permission of
the leader of their former local group, who is solely responsible for their
conduct throughout the event.
g. A Temporary Full Member’s children may accompany the Temporary
Member at an event with the GL’s consent. The provisions above shall
apply (particularly d and e)
===4C. Membership Fees===
i. Membership Fees fall due annually on the 1st of October. Fees must
be paid to the local group by the 31st October; and to the Society’s
Membership Officer by 15th November.
ii. If a Member’s fees have not been paid by the 31st October, then that
membership shall be deemed to have lapsed. Lapsed Members lose
all rights, ranks, and officerships (both at group and Society level). A
local group may not use the votes of Lapsed Members at the High
iii. Lapsed Members may only rejoin the Society through application to the
local group from which they lapsed. The Society reserves the right,
expressed through the relevant local group, to refuse such application
without explanation. The local group shall inform the Society
Membership Officer of the identity of any renewing lapsed member
upon their approval, and send their Capitation Fee within 14 days.
iv. Lapsed Members who have rejoined the Society may have their group
ranks, privileges and officerships reinstated at the discretion of the
relevant group.
v. After a period of 12 months a lapsed member must make a fresh
application to join the society through his local group.
===4D. Capitation Fees===
i. A proportion of the Membership Fee (the Capitation Fee) is sent,
through the Group Treasurer, directly to the Society Membership
ii. The Capitation Fee for each type of Membership is decided by the
High Witan, and shall be subject to review and change by the High
Witan or those persons appointed by the High Witan to undertake such
a review.
iii. Changes to Capitation Fees shall be notified to the Society’s members
by direct mailing, in such a form as may be thought suitable by the
High Witan.
iv. Persons applying to join the Society after 1st August will pay the whole
annual fee, but this shall be deemed to cover their Membership Fee for
the following year.
v. Each local group within Regia shall pay the Capitation Fee for a new
member to the Society Membership Officer within fourteen days of
receipt of that member’s Membership Fee and Membership Form.
vi. Membership of the Society shall commence from the date of
completion of the Membership Form, and of payment of the
Membership Fee. A local group may only utilise the vote of a member
in the government of the Society after the Capitation Fee has been
received by the Society Membership Officer.
vii. Membership may be terminated by written resignation addressed to the
local group leader. A copy must be sent to the Society Membership
viii. Membership may be terminated as the result of disciplinary action.
ix. A local group shall immediately cease to exist if it has not paid any Full
Capitation Fees to the Society Membership Officer by 15th November
unless the High Witan grants an extension.
===5. National Structure===
i. Any reference to land is an administrative format within the Society and
has no actual or legal bearing on ‘real property’
ii. Land not within the management of a local group is deemed to be at
the disposal of the Society.
iii. Local groups shall hold sole rights of recruitment in the areas granted
to them under the Code of Law. These areas shall be primarily based
on the shire boundaries indicated in the Domesday Survey of 1086,
which Survey shall take precedence over later documents.
iv. Other documents from the period may be researched where the
Domesday Survey does not cover the area in question.
v. Disputes over land shall be settled by the Lawspeaker, but parties to a
dispute will have access to the High Witan.
vi. More than one local group may exist within a shire.
5A. Land Grants and Formation of Groups
i. Any Full Member of Regia, or person seeking Full Membership, who
lives in an area not already granted to a local group may apply to the
Society , through the Eolder and the Lawspeaker, to set up a new
group in that area.
ii. If accepted, a Grant of Land from the Society to the new group shall be
drawn up by the Lawspeaker. No group may be set up without a Grant
of Land.
iii. All new groups will be attached for purposes of mentorship to the
nearest Established Group (the Mentor Group)
iv. At the request of either party, mentorship may be taken up by another
Established Group, who may be geographically more remote, but
closer in background and interest to the new group.
v. The Mentor Group will be responsible for the new group’s standards of
authenticity and for generally assisting them in all aspects of the life of
the Society.
vi. The new group leader shall attend High Witans as of right, but must
take the advice of his Mentor Group leader into account when voting.
At no time may a Mentor Group use or include votes from groups
under its mentorship at the High Witan.
vii. A period of mentorship is ended by vote of the High Witan on
application from the new group. A period of six months is envisaged as
a guideline, which may be extended at the discretion of the High Witan.
viii. Any Full Member of the Society, resident in land already granted to a
local group, may, with the consent of the existing Group Leader, apply
to set up a new group. Application for a Grant of Land shall be made to
the Eolder and the Lawspeaker.
ix. In all normal circumstances, the boundaries of a Grant of Land applied
for under 5Aviii above shall be drawn up by the group leader who
already administers the land.
x. Proposed Grants of Land shall in all circumstances be drawn up in
formal terms, giving exact geographical boundaries.
xi. Proposed Grants of Land shall be dated, and submitted to the
Lawspeaker in triplicate for ratification. Copies of the proposed Grant
of Land shall be sent by the Lawspeaker to the Eolder, the Society
Membership Officer and anyone else who may be reasonably held to
have an interest within seven days of receipt of the proposal.
xii. If no objection is lodged within thirty days of the Lawspeaker’s receipt
of the proposal, the Lawspeaker shall proclaim the ratification of the
Land Grant. He shall inform the Publications Officer and all those
whom he has previously informed of the proposal.
xiii. An area for recruiting and administration shall be formed by the Grant
of Land, All Grants of Land are of equal status and will survive the
administrators responsible for their inception.
xiv. Grants of Land shall revert to the grantor, whether the Society (under
5Aii) or the former local group (under 5Aviii) if they fall vacant.
xv. An area shall fall vacant, and the local group cease to exist, if there are
fewer than three paid-up Full Members of the group resident within it
both on 31st October and on the 1st May immediately following.
xvi. The HW may move to decide that a local group shall cease to exist,
and its grant of land fall vacant, if, in the space of a calendar year, it
has failed to be represented in sufficient numbers at a sufficient
number of Major Events without good cause. The HW shall take
account of attendance at local or area events, and at Training
Weekends and other activities not open to the public, in determining
whether a group is inactive or not. This regulation shall not apply to
overseas-based groups.
xvii. All other alterations to group boundaries must be notified to the High
Witan, through the Lawspeaker. They shall be ratified using the
procedures above.
xviii. A group is recognised on the payment of its third Full Capitation Fee to
Regia. No new group may receive a Grant of Land if it has fewer than
three members at the time.
xix. A group is deemed Established when it has ten paid-up adult
Members. Such Groups may act as Mentor Groups (provided they are
themselves out of mentorship) and may create their own regulations for
their own activities and affairs. Such regulations must not contravene
the Code of Law, nor lower the standards of the Society as laid down
by the High Witan and the Society Officers.
xx. A group with thirty-six adult Members may apply to the High Witan to
be accorded the status of an Eorldom, and its leader to be accorded
the status of an Eorl at a public ceremony if it be his wish.
xxi. An Eorldom’s status shall revert to that of an Established Group if its
strength falls below thirty-six adult members at any time outside the
renewals period and it still does not have thirty-six adult members at
any time before 15th November in the following year.
xxii. A local group shall accurately reflect the peoples found in the group’s
area within Regia’s period.
5B. Management of Groups
i. All local groups are branches of the Society, and are bound by the Code of
Law. All members of local groups are members of the Society, and are
bound by the Code of Law.
ii. The local group shall administer and enforce the Code of Law within its
area. Whilst the method by which this is carried out is to be decided by the
local group, the following points must be adhered to
iii. Each local group must have a group leader and a treasurer, these two
posts must not be held by the same individual.
iv. Each local group must have a bank or building society account, in the
name of the group.
v. Each group must have an Authenticity Officer, and a Training Officer if the
group has any combatant members. These posts may be held by any
member of the group.
vi. The group leader is responsible for the administration and enforcement of
the Code of Law in the group and the area of the group’s Grant of Land.
The Society, through the Membership Officer, shall be informed of the
identity and contact details of the group leader.
vii.The treasurer is primarily and solely responsible for the administration of
the group’s accounts. The Society Treasurer must be informed of the
identity of the group treasurer.
viii.The group leader and treasurer shall be jointly responsible for the
administration of the group’s bank or building society account.
ix. The Training Officer is responsible for military training within the group. The
Society Training Officer shall be informed of the identity of the group
Training Officer.
x. The Authenticity Officer is responsible for all aspects of authenticity in the
group. The Society Authenticity Officer shall be informed of the identity of
the group authenticity officer.
xi. The sphere of authority of the above posts in the group shall mirror the
authority of the relevant Society Officer in the Society, as set down in the
Code of Law.
xii.The local group and relevant Society Officer shall share responsibility for
the development of local group officers, and shall jointly ensure that such
individuals are aware of current Society policies and best practice within
each officer’s area of responsibility
===6: Safety and Liability===
i. Without infringing upon the legal rights of the individual, every member shall
at all times ensure that they hold themselves safe and without harm in any
situation whilst about the occasions of Regia Anglorum. In so doing they shall
at all times ensure that the safety of the general public is held paramount and
each member shall act with sober and considered care.
ii. In respect of members’ liability, the Society, its officers and/or members
cannot be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage occurring to any
member or their property. In particular, it is the business of each and every
member to investigate, research and understand the specific risks that they
may encounter in re-enactment and to decide in cold and sober judgement
whether or not they wish to involve themselves in the taking of such risks.
Anyone taking part in any of the activities arranged by the Society will be
deemed as having taken such a decision by their attendance and
iii. All members are required to avail themselves of training sessions held by
the Society or its local groups. Persons failing to do so will take upon
themselves a greater responsibility for the care of themselves and others.
iv. Whilst the duly appointed officers of Regia Anglorum will at all times
behave in a manner appropriate to their position, no particular liability shall
attach to such officers. Even though they may act in the manner of
"professionals", they are amateur volunteers and are specifically excluded
from any greater liability than may exist in civil law and apply to every
"ordinary" member of the Society.
v. No financial responsibility for any action or inaction of the Society or its
members, servants or agents shall attach itself to any office within the Society
or any incumbent of such an office, PROVIDED THAT the officer has acted in
a prudent and proper fashion within the confines of the civil law and the
Constitution and Regulations of the Society.
vi. In respect of Product Liability, any event, show, performance, private
function or training session shall be deemed to be the work of amateur
volunteers who will do their best to arrange the business of the day, operating
within the Constitution and Regulations of the Society. Whilst acting in such a
manner as may be found safe and appropriate to the event, show,
performance, private function or training session, no particular liability shall
attach to the officers of the Society other than may exist in Law and apply to
every "ordinary" member of Regia Anglorum.
vii. Each member is expected to make their own arrangements to insure
themselves against any injury, loss or damage howsoever caused.
===7. Limited Companies===
i. Where the Society comes into possession of land, then that
ownership shall be controlled by the creation of a non-trading
Company Limited by Guarantee to hold the title to the land on
behalf of Regia Anglorum
ii. The HW shall appoint a Director and a Company Secretary to form
the Board of such a company. They shall hold in joint name the
single share in the Company.
iii. Their authority to dispose of the share or title shall be limited to the
specific written authority emanating from a resolution of an
assembled HW.
iv. Such a resolution may only be passed by an assembled HW if it is
supported by the votes of three quarters of the local groups of
Regia Anglorum, representing at least three quarters of the total
number of Full Members of the Society.
v. The Director and Company Secretary shall not have the power to
amend the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Limited
Company. These shall be defined initially by an assembled HW,
and then only amended by a resolution passed under iv. above.
Here ends the Constitution of Regia Anglorum. It forms the first volume of Version 6 of the Code of Law, issued by the High Witan at Birmingham on 30/01/1999, and variously amended by the High Witan Martin Williams, Lawspeaker<br>
pp Oswiu Eadulfing, iurisdictor <br.

Any reference to Weapons, Wargear, Arms or Armour shall specifically refer
to the theatrical props that the members of the society may use in the course
of the historical re-creations that they undertake whilst about the business of
the society.
1. The High Witan
i. The governing body of Regia Anglorum shall be a committee (the High
Witan or HW), comprised of a delegate (normally the group leader)
from each recognised local group and the Society Officers elected by
the High Witan (see 2 below).
ii. The High Witan shall have one scheduled meeting in a year, at the end
of the display season. This shall be arranged by the Eolder and held
before December 1st. It shall be termed the High Witan Business
Meeting (HWBM) and shall be of extended format. The costs of hiring
a meeting place and a proportion of the transport costs incurred in
attending by the members of the HW shall be met by the Society.
Food and accommodation costs shall be met by the Society only for
the members of the HW. Attendance at the HWBM is a mandatory
duty for all Society Officers and local groups. Costs incurred at other
meetings of the HW may be met by the Society, at the discretion of
the Society Treasurer. Other meetings may be called by the Eolder
from time to time. The Eolder shall call for agenda items, ensuring
that the completed agenda shall be sent to the members of the HW
not less than ten days before the meeting date.
iii. Whilst items for the agenda may be transmitted to the Eolder in any
written medium, a final version must be sent by post to arrive by the
due date. Manifestos for elections shall not run to more than 2 sides
of A4 at 10 point Times New Roman
iv. The High Witan shall have a quorum when 51% of the membership is
represented by local group delegates. Once a quorum is established,
it remains until the meeting is concluded.
v. The High Witan shall have the power to appoint and dismiss the
Society Officers, according to the processes laid down in the Code of
vi. Each local group delegate shall hold a vote, equal in value to the
number of paid-up, Full members of the group. This vote may be
divided by the delegate. All votes shall be taken using this
proportional method except on decisions concerning a Point of Order,
where each group delegate shall hold one vote, and a show of hands
shall decide the issue. Points of Order must be in the form of a
question to the Chair, asking for clarification on a point relevant to the
current discussion, and relating to the CoL or Custom and Practice of
the Society.
vii. Society Officers hold no vote of themselves, but only as members of
their local group.
viii. A group must be represented by one of its members for its vote to be
counted. However, the Society recognises that on rare occasions no
delegate may be found, and so for one assembled HW in any
calendar year a local group may notify the HW of its vote by post,
under the following rules.
1. The Notification shall be physically in the hands of the Chair of the
HW before the commencement of the meeting. It is the duty of the
local group to ensure this.
2. The notification shall contain only the vote of the group's membership
(whether for, against, or abstain) on each item of the Agenda, and no
other comment or correspondence. The group may split its vote as if it
were represented by a delegate.
3. The Notification shall be held by the Chair of the HW and the relevant
part revealed to the meeting as each vote takes place.
4. The Chair of the HW shall have the power to declare any or all parts
of the Notification to be null and void if the proposal voted on by the
HW differs materially from that on the Agenda. In this instance an
abstention shall be counted.
ix. The Society Membership Officer shall notify the HW of the voting
strength of the groups present at the start of the meeting. The
membership figures for each group shall be taken at a date seven
days before the date of the HW.
x. Decisions of the HW have the force of the Code of Law. Changes to
the Code of Law necessitated by a motion at a HW shall be
presented to the HW at the meeting next after the motion.
xi. Amendments to the Code of Law shall be made only by a HW. They
must be moved in formal and exact terms. Amendments to the Code
of Law must be notified to the members of the Society within fourteen
days of passage by the HW.
xii. Amendments to the Code of Law shall take effect on the forty-second
day after passage by the HW.
xiii. A member of the HW may object to a change in the Code of Law.
Objection shall be notified in writing to the Eolder, Lawspeaker and
Publications Officer within twenty-eight days of passage by the HW
xiv. The next HW after the objection is received shall discuss the objection
and the change to the Code of Law as its first item of business. The
final form of the amendment shall be immediately binding on passage
by the HW. Any further objection must be raised as a fresh proposal
at a future HW.
xv. A HW shall not be scheduled within thirteen days of the previous HW,
although meetings may at need be adjourned to the following day.
xvi. All motions placed before a HW must be proposed by a member of the
HW, and seconded by a local group leader. Where two thirds of a
local group’s members wish to raise an issue before the HW and their
group leader will not, they may do so provided such a motion is
sponsored by a Society Officer. On that matter alone, the members
concerned shall send a separate delegate to the HW. Items for
general discussion (which may not reach a specific conclusion) may
be proposed by any member of the HW.
xvii. All motions to do with the responsibilities or competence of a Society
Officer must be discussed by the Proposer and the Officer concerned
before the agenda is published. Any agenda item which has not been
so discussed will be struck out of the agenda. Any motion which
would involve the HW in a personal dispute will not be included on the
xviii. Other regulations for the conduct of meetings of the HW shall be
decided by the Eolder, in consultation with the Chair of the HW.
1A. Emergency High Witans
i. An Emergency High Witan may be requested by any member of the
HW. Requests, containing the grounds for summoning such a
meeting, must be submitted to the Eolder and the Chair of the HW in
writing, unless exceptional circumstances pertain. Within seven days
of receipt, the Eolder must circulate written notification of the request
to the members of the HW by post to their last known address.
Requestors of Emergency HWs must follow the regulations in 1
above regarding proposals to the HW (particularly R1xvii)
ii. On receipt of the notification, the members of the HW shall
immediately notify the Eolder as to whether the circumstances of the
situation are, in their opinion, sufficiently exceptional so as to require
an immediate meeting of the HW.
iii. Unless two thirds of the Society Officers or a body of group leaders
representing two thirds of the Society’s membership are of the opinion
that the circumstances are exceptional, the Emergency HW will be
held at the next Regia Major Event. Otherwise, the Eolder shall
organise a meeting of the HW at a suitably central location (or at the
location of a Society Training Weekend or Area Event) at the earliest
practicable date.
iv. Decisions of an Emergency HW have equal status with those of a
scheduled HW as detailed in 1 above.
1B. Postal and Telephonic Votes.
i. On the rare occasions where it becomes necessary to consult the HW
on a more immediate basis than achievable by 1A above, an opinion
may be obtained by circulating a written document to or, if necessary,
by telephonic communication with the group leaders of at least two
thirds of the society’s membership.
ii. Whilst such an opinion shall be immediately binding on the Society, the
next meeting of the HW shall discuss the matter, formally ratifying or
rescinding the decision of the postal or telephonic vote.
iii. Any member of the HW may instigate and conduct a postal or
telephonic vote, provided that he has the support of enough voting
members of the HW to represent 20% of the Society, and has informed
the Eolder, the Treasurer, the Lawspeaker and the Chair of the HW of
the instigation of the process and of the Question to be put to the HW.
The regulations for proposals to HWs (particularly R1xvii) must be
adhered to.
iv. The Eolder, the Treasurer and the Lawspeaker may instigate and
conduct a postal or telephonic vote at their discretion, provided that
they all agree upon such a course.
v. The document bearing the Question shall be printed or typed. It shall
set out the facts of the case so far as is known. It must be numbered in
a recognisable sequence and bear its posting date upon it. It must not
bear any other correspondence or information. Special care must be
taken to present facts in as clear and neutral way as possible. Whilst it
may not be possible for the instigator of the Vote to call upon the
assistance of others in the preparation of the document, nevertheless a
high standard of care and presentation is expected. The Question shall
not be put in terms of a proposal as this could be construed as leading
opinion. Neither shall it contain the names of sympathetic or
antipathetic persons, as this too could be considered as persuasive.
vi. Before instigating the process of the Vote, the instigator shall make
every attempt to contact the Society Membership Officer, who will let
him know the voting strengths of each group in the Society.
vii. For a Postal Vote, a numbered (see iv above) photocopy of the
document plus an envelope bearing the identical number as the
document and a first class letter post stamp and the name and address
of the instigator shall be sent to the last known postal address of every
voting member of the HW by first class post. All documents must be
posted at the same time. Proof of posting should be obtained where
possible. Society Officers (where not themselves voting members of
the HW) should be sent unnumbered copies of the document for their
viii. It is the duty of all voting members of the HW to respond by return of
post if possible and certainly within four days of receipt. Response
shall be made only in the numbered envelope provided. There must be
no other inclusion. Groups which fail to respond shall have their votes
recorded as uncast
ix. The instigator of the Vote shall tally the votes of the members of the
HW immediately upon receipt and shall inform the Eolder, the
Treasurer, the Lawspeaker, the Chair of the HW and the Publications
Officer of the result of the vote within ten days of the despatch of the
voting papers. He shall retain the numbered envelopes and their
contents for production at the next meeting of the HW. The result shall
be circulated to all members of the HW via the Officers mentioned
x. In the case of a telephone vote, a document bearing the Question (and
fulfilling the relevant requirements of R1Biv above) shall be sent by the
instigator to the Eolder, the Treasurer, the Lawspeaker and the Chair
of the HW in sealed envelopes, countersigned by the instigator across
the flap. The envelope must not bear any other correspondence or
information. The Officers above shall safely hold the envelopes
unopened against a possible later dispute regarding the wording of the
xi. The instigator shall telephone every group leader in turn. He shall
make every effort to contact all of the group leaders during the time
available to him, which shall include the hours from 1130 to 2330 on
one weekday (Mon.-Fri.). If the emergency has taken place at a
weekend, then a telephone vote may only take place if the Society has
no Major Event that weekend. The group leaders of at least 67% of the
membership must be contacted, else the vote will be declared null and
xii. When the instigator makes contact with a group leader, it is his duty to
behave with complete propriety.
a) He shall not discuss any other matter but the one in hand.
b) He shall not lead opinion or attempt to persuade.
c) He shall not reveal his own or the stated opinion of any other
member of the Society.
d) He shall read back verbatim the stated opinion given to him by that
group leader.
e) He shall ask formally if there is anything that the group leader
wishes to add, change or take away.
xiii. When the instigator is in possession of the votes of the Society’s
membership, he shall immediately inform the Eolder, the Treasurer,
the Lawspeaker and the Chair of the HW of the result by telephone in
the first instance and confirm immediately in writing thereafter (by
post). If a further decision is required at that stage as to what action
shall actually take place, the instigator shall seek the advice of the
Officers above.
xiv. No proxy voting is allowed in either postal or telephonic votes.
xv. Whilst the result of postal or telephone votes shall be immediately
binding, the next meeting of the HW shall formally discuss the matter
as the first order of business, ratifying or rescinding the earlier decision
for the minutes of that meeting.
2. The Society Officers
i. The Society Officers of the Society shall have the executive power of
decision within their several areas of responsibility as laid down below.
ii. The Society Officers shall receive no financial reward or other
pecuniary advantage for their services and their appointment is
therefore honorary. Officers may claim from the Society such properly
incurred expenses as the Society Treasurer and the HW shall deem
iii. No person acting in the capacity of an officer of the society shall be
required or expected to place themselves at legal or financial risk as a
result of their proper activities on behalf of the society.
iv. The society will indemnify its officers and members against any and all
legal and financial risks in respect of their honorary positions within the
society so long as those risks were properly incurred within their brief
as published in the current code of law or as amended by any
assembled High Witan.
v. Such indemnity shall be covered by the means of an insurance policy
that will be undertaken and annually maintained by the society.
vi. No officer or member of the society shall be indemnified either by the
society or any indemnity insurance policy that the society has
undertaken in respect of legal and financial indemnity if they are
proven to have acted illegally, recklessly, in breach of the rules of the
society or in ultra vires.
vii. The Society Officers shall make every effort to avoid alienating any
member of the Society by hasty or ill-considered statements or actions.
It is the duty of a Society Officer to behave in a rational and ethical way
at all times.
viii. A decision of a Society Officer on a matter within his area of
responsibility may only be overturned by the vote of a quorate HW.
Decisions of a HW relating to the area of responsibility of a Society
Officer shall be followed by that officer with speed and goodwill.
ix. It is equally the duty of the members of the Society to follow the
policies, rulings and instructions of the Society Officers with speed and
goodwill. Disputes shall be dealt with privately and after the event in
the first instance.
x. All Society Officers, in addition to any other duty laid upon them by this
Code of Law, shall attend at least half of the meetings of the HW held
in any one calendar year. The HW has the right to open nominations
for any Society Office where the Officer has failed to so attend.
xi. At the end of December of any year, all Society Officers shall submit
an official report of their actions and results, and forecast their
progress for the coming year. The Report must be solely relevant to
the area of responsibility of the Officer as laid down in this CoL.
Reports shall be typed or printed on not more than two sides of A4,
single spaced and displayed in not less than 10-point Times New
Roman. Reports must be submitted for publication and circulation as
an official document to the Society, by whatever procedure be in force
at the time. The Reports shall be collated under the order of the list of
Society Officers in R2B below, and circulated to every member of the
Society by direct mail to his last known postal address, in advance of
the HWBM.
xii. Every Society Officer shall keep an up to date record of his activities
within his area of responsibility. Where possible these should be
prepared using an IBM PC-compatible computer, so that the exchange
of information may be facilitated. During the use of computer-based
information systems, the user shall be conscious of the provisions of
the Data Protection Act. Electronic files should be able to be circulated
in ASCII format, and Hard Copies be made available to the HW as a
matter of course.
xiii. Society Officers must be elected at a meeting of the HW, under the
procedure laid down in R2A below.
2A. Society Officership Elections
i. Society Officers are elected by the HW for a term of three years, with
the exception of the Treasurer and the Eolder, who are elected for a
term of five years. Appointments will commence upon the date of the
HW that makes the appointment, and conclude at the assembled HW
at the expiry of the term of office.
ii. The HW alone has the authority to appoint and dismiss officers of the
iii. The appointment of Society Officers shall take place at a scheduled
meeting of the HW, or at one specifically called for the purpose.
Elections shall appear on the agenda for the meeting. Elections shall
not be held by means of a postal or telephonic vote.
iv. An Officership may fall vacant by means of the resignation of the
Officer from his post or from the Society, the lapsing of the Officers
Membership (under C4Cii), by the dismissal of an Officer by the HW,
or by the expiry of an Officer’s term of office. The HW may also call
upon the membership to submit applications for a post whilst an
incumbent Officer still holds that position. In such a case, the
incumbent shall have the right to re-apply. The HW shall not accept or
consider applications at any other time.
v. Upon any of the conditions of iv above being fulfilled, the HW shall
issue a Notice of Invitation to the Society in order that applications may
appear in the Agenda of the next scheduled HW.
vi. The Notice shall be sent by the Eolder unless the HW directs
otherwise. At need (particularly if the Eoldership be vacant) the
Lawspeaker or the Chair of the HW shall send the Notice.
vii. The Notice shall invite Full, Adult paid-up members of the Society to
apply for the post(s) indicated in the Notice. The HW may decide to
specify further required qualifications for any specific Officership.
viii. Those members who wish their candidacy to be considered must
respond to the Notice by the date laid down in the Notice by means of
submitting a Manifesto in accordance with R1iii above
ix. A candidacy must be sponsored by the candidate’s Group Leader, or
by 67% of the members of his local group, and by another voting
member of the HW. A candidacy may not be sponsored, however, by a
group bound by active ties of Mentorship to the candidate’s group.
x. Manifestos shall be distributed to the members of the HW with the
agenda of the HW which elects the Officer
xi. Candidates must attend the HW that hears their application and be
prepared to answer such questions as the meeting may put to them.
xii. Where a HW is not scheduled to occur within 60 days of the post
falling vacant, or if the agenda for a scheduled HW is already in
preparation when a post falls vacant, the HW may appoint an officer
pro tempore. An officer pro tempore shall be appointed where the HW
is obliged to appoint an Officer under the relevant section of R2B.
xiii. Where the HW is not in session, the Eolder in full consultation with the
Society Officers, may appoint an officer pro tempore.
2B. The Officers and their Areas of
i. The HW shall elect an Eolder.
a) The Eolder must attend at least half of the Society’s Major Events
in any one year. He shall not also hold the position of Treasurer
b) The Eolder will act as the Society’s sole Business Manager and it
shall be his special responsibility to seek paid work for the Society.
He shall have the power to decide with which events the Society
shall involve itself and the amounts of payments, fees and
expenses and/or non-monetary remuneration it shall receive in
respect of such work.
c) He shall not benefit financially from his activities as Eolder
undertaken on behalf of the Society in any way that is not shared by
other members of the Society.
d) He shall not bear any financial risk or burden incurred in the
performance of his activities on behalf of the Society that is not
wholly shared by all members of the Society and the Society will
indemnify him against such risks.
e) He shall have the power to decide that up to three Major Events in
any one twelve month period shall be Charity Events, performed for
no tangible reward.
f) He shall liase with the local group leaders and others on an ongoing
basis to gauge the opinion of the general membership as to the
type of work that the Society shall do.
g) He shall work closely with the Treasurer to ensure that the Society
is properly funded from events, film-work and other business
enterprises. At the discretion of the Society Treasurer, the Eolder
may operate a cheque book on his single signature from The
Society’s Operating Account. (see iii below)
h) The Eolder shall act as Society Organiser, having a general
overview of the Society’s organisation and structure. In this regard,
he shall have a wide ranging brief aimed at initiating, maintaining
and forwarding the Society’s best interests. He shall constantly
seek to be well informed about how these aims can be best
achieved. In uncontentious and day-to-day matters he shall speak
for the HW in particular and the Society in general.
i) He shall have many of the duties of a General Secretary to the HW
and the Society. These shall include:-
1) He shall be responsible for the publication of a Society
Newsletter. This is intended to be published four times a
year, on or around the Quarter Days, which a subcontracted
printer will send by first-class post to each
member’s last known postal address as available in the
records of the Society Membership Officer. The Eolder’s
responsibility in this regard will be deemed to be fulfilled
once the master hard copy of each edition has been
posted to the printer.
2) He shall be responsible for the publication and distribution of the
Society’s official papers, such as Officer’s Reports, papers
relating to the Election of Society Officers, the Agendas and
Minutes of meetings of the HW, details of events and other such
papers as from time to time may be necessary. Such papers
may be published in the Society Newsletter, but at his
discretion, the Eolder may from time to time distribute papers to
the members of the HW alone.
3) The Eolder’s responsibility for the publication and promulgation
of such papers will be deemed to be fulfilled once the members
of the HW have been circulated with such papers.
4) The financial responsibility for production, distribution, stationery
and postage shall be that of the Society.
j) In association with the Lawspeaker and the HW, the Eolder
shall have a shared responsibility for writing the CoL. Whilst he shall do
his utmost to ensure that the CoL is written and applied for the greater
good of the Society and its members, he shall have no responsibility
for its interpretation.
ii. The HW shall elect a Lawspeaker.
a) The Lawspeaker shall maintain and uphold the CoL. He shall
ensure that if the CoL is capable of two or more interpretations, that
the greater good of the Society and its members is held safe and
b) He shall share a responsibility with the Eolder and the HW for the
writing of the CoL. He shall do his utmost to ensure that the CoL is
written and applied for the greater good of the Society and its
members. He shall have the duty of interpretation of the CoL.
c) He shall advise the Society on the laws and customs pertaining to
the Society’s area and period of interest (see C2ii above)
d) He shall administer the Land Grant system of the Society, working
with the MO and the Eolder where it should be necessary, under C5
above. The day-to-day operation of this system may be shared with
another Officer if the Lawspeaker sees fit.
iii. The HW shall elect a Treasurer.
a) The Treasurer shall attend at least half of the Society’s Major
Events in any one year. He shall not also hold the position of
b) He shall not benefit financially from his activities as Treasurer
undertaken on behalf of the Society in any way that is not shared by
other members of the Society.
c) He shall not bear any financial risk or burden incurred in the
performance of his activities on behalf of the Society that is not
wholly shared by all members of the Society and the Society will
indemnify him against such risks.
d) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the overall control of all
financial affairs of the Society. He shall at all times, as far as is
practicable, be in a position to advise the HW upon the current and
projected state of the Society’s finances.
e) He shall have the right of access to all financial and business
interests of the Society, and must be consulted before any financial
commitment is made.
f) He shall be responsible for the accurate keeping of books of
common record and account, and maintaining a proper record of
the Society’s financial affairs and transactions.
g) He shall prepare a balance sheet and statements of Income and
Expenditure annually, based on a financial year ending on 30th
September, which shall be presented to the next HWBM.
h) He shall be responsible for the proper disbursement of the
Society’s funds at Events. He shall define and implement
procedures regarding the payment of fuel or other expenses and
shall have the final say regarding payment of these monies.
i) He shall work closely with the Eolder to ensure that the Society’s
business is conducted on a sound footing.
j) He may permit the Eolder to draw upon the Operating Account,
using a cheque book on the Eolder’s single signature.
k) Any member or members of the Society who involve the Society in
expenditure which has not been sanctioned in advance by the
Treasurer shall be held personally responsible and shall be
required to reimburse the Society in full for such expenditure.
iv. The HW shall elect an Authenticity Officer (AO)
a) He shall attend at least half of the Society’s major events in any
one year.
b) He shall be responsible for the overview of the authentic portrayal
of the life and times of the people who lived in and visited the
Islands of Britain in the Society’s general period of interest. He shall
at all times ensure that a balance of portrayal is achieved so as not
to make exceptional examples from the period the norm.
c) He shall make it his concern to augment the Society’s corporate
knowledge regarding the visual appearance of the peoples of these
Islands and their near neighbours in Northern Europe and thus
maintain and constantly improve the Society’s image at events.
d) He shall be responsible for encouraging and advising other Society
Officers who may have a particular interest and the membership in
general regarding all aspects of authenticity of dress, weapons,
armour and other equipment, behaviour and attitude.
e) He shall be prepared to enforce his decisions if it should become
necessary at events. He shall have the power of veto over any
matter regarding authenticity.
f) He may appoint deputies, the number of which (including himself)
shall not exceed 1.5% of the total membership of the Society,
unless agreed otherwise by the HW. He shall co-ordinate their
activities, and report back to the HW upon them from time to time.
v. The HW shall elect a Living History Co-ordinator (LHC)
a) He shall attend at least half of the Society’s major events in any
one year
b) He shall have an overview of all domestic and industrial activities
that take place within the Society that have a practical or academic
application to the Living History Exhibit (LHE)
c) He shall initiate, co-ordinate and apply academic and practical
research into the arts and crafts of these Islands and their near
neighbours in Northern Europe in the Society’s period of interest.
d) He shall have final responsibility for the image presented by the
LHE and for ensuring, as far as is possible, the authentic portrayal
of life at public displays involving the LHE. All members of the
Society shall fall under his jurisdiction (within the CoL) whilst they
are within the bounds of the LHE. He shall work closely with the AO
in this regard, and may amend but not lessen the force of the
rulings of the AO in these matters.
e) He shall instigate and maintain systems for the smooth running of
the LHE. He may appoint Craft Co-ordinators to advise on matters
related to any particular activity.
f) He shall organise, in consultation with the Eolder, Training
Weekends or similar events where the members of the Society may
gain intensive skill training.
g) He may appoint deputies, the number of which (including himself)
shall not exceed 1.5% of the total membership of the Society,
unless agreed otherwise by the HW. He shall co-ordinate their
activities, and report back to the HW upon them from time to time.
vi. The HW shall elect a Military Training Officer (MTO).
a) He shall attend at least half of the Society’s major events in any
one year.
b) He shall oversee the training of the Society’s members who wish to
take part in combat and other military displays within the Society.
He shall therefore be responsible, insofar as it may be practical and
reasonable, for the safety in use of the weapons that the Society’s
members may employ in such displays
c) He shall instigate and maintain a policy appertaining to the use of
weapons. This shall be published and circulated to at least the
members of the HW at the Society’s expense. Changes, additions
and other modifications shall be circulated from time to time.
d) He shall instigate, maintain and oversee a formalised system of
training throughout the Society that will enable a member to acquire
and progress in such weapon skills as their length of experience,
mode of dress and rank shall allow at any particular time.
e) He shall instigate and maintain a policy appertaining to the use of
weapons. This shall be published and circulated to at least the
members of the HW at the Society’s expense. Changes, additions
and other modifications shall be circulated from time to time. He
shall derive testing procedures that are aimed at ensuring the
greatest safety of members participating in military displays, insofar
as that may be possible.
f) He shall regularly liaise with local group training officers (see C5Bix)
with the aim of ensuring consistent training methods throughout the
g) He shall arrange training sessions at Society Events and, working
with the Eolder, organise Training Weekends and other similar
events where the members of the Society may gain intensive skill
h) He may arbitrate in disputes that may arise from the use of
weapons at events under the aegis of the Society. He shall share
this responsibility equally with the MAA.
i) He may appoint deputies, the number of which (including himself)
shall not exceed 1.5% of the total membership of the Society,
unless agreed otherwise by the HW. Outwith this limit, he may
make such provision for overseas-based groups as he sees fit. He
shall co-ordinate their activities, and report back to the HW upon
them from time to time.
vii. The HW shall elect a Master at Arms (MAA)
a) He shall attend at least half of the Society’s major events in any
one year.
b) He shall be responsible for ensuring the safety in construction and
authenticity in outward form of wargear that the Society’s members
may employ in military displays at Society events. All members of
the Society shall fall under his jurisdiction (within the CoL) whilst
they are within the bounds of the military display area. He shall
work closely with the AO in this regard, and may amend but not
lessen the force of the rulings of the AO in these matters.
c) He shall instigate and maintain a policy appertaining to the use of
weapons. This shall be published and circulated to at least the
members of the HW at the Society’s expense. Changes, additions
and other modifications shall be circulated from time to time.
d) He shall instigate, maintain and oversee a formalised system of
visual inspection of the members of the Society and their weapons
in advance of any military display, aimed at ensuring the safety of
members so involved, insofar as that may be reasonable and
e) He shall liaise with local group leaders and training officers with the
aim of ensuring consistent weapon quality and preparedness
throughout the Society.
f) He may arbitrate in disputes that may arise from the use of
weapons at events under the aegis of the Society. He shall share
this responsibility equally with the MTO
g) He may appoint deputies, the number of which (including himself)
shall not exceed 1.5% of the total membership of the Society,
unless agreed otherwise by the HW. He shall co-ordinate their
activities, and report back to the HW upon them from time to time.
viii. The HW shall elect a Membership Officer (MO)
a) He shall instigate and maintain a record of all the Society’s
members. He shall have sole responsibility for governing access to
such records, and shall issue regulations on this matter in
accordance with current legislation
b) . He shall collect subscriptions and promptly issue Membership
c) He shall pay collected subscriptions into a bank account stipulated
by the Treasurer and shall maintain a record of such transactions to
a standard required by the Treasurer.
d) He shall maintain an accurate figure of the membership strength of
each local group in the Society. He shall make these figures
available to the HW at the opening of each of its meetings.
e) He shall work closely with the Lawspeaker in the operation of the
Land Grant system of the Society, and shall maintain a back-up
record of all documents relating to it. He shall inform the
Lawspeaker if an area falls vacant under C5Axv or C4Dix above.
f) He shall bring to the attention of the HW, through the Eolder and
Lawspeaker, any membership application that he has reason to
believe may be inappropriate or in breach of the CoL.
ix. The HW shall elect a Chair (CHW)
a) He shall attend at least 50% of the meetings of the HW in any one
b) He shall have sole responsibility for calling meetings of the HW to
order and maintaining order throughout the meeting.
c) He shall have sole responsibility for recognising members of the
HW who wish to contribute to discussions.
d) He must neither express nor contribute opinion nor raise questions
during meetings of the HW, but may respond to any Points of Order
raised during the meeting.
e) He must give immediate attention to any Points of Order by
suspending the current discussion until the Point is resolved. He
must directly respond to the Point and then recommence the
current discussion by recognising the next speaker.
f) He may adjourn a meeting, but for no longer than 24 hours.
g) He shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie in voting by local
group delegates.
h) He shall have the sole responsibility for the closure of the meeting.
i) He or the HW may appoint another person to sit as Chair pro
tempore for a meeting or part of a meeting if it is judged by the
voting members of the HW that he has (or may be construed as
having) a vested interest in the matter under discussion.
x. The HW may elect a Communications Officer (CO)
a) He shall have a general oversight of the Society’s electronic and
paper communications.
b) He shall coordinate all aspects of the Society's communications and,
where necessary and appropriate, assist the authors, editors and
coordinators in their roles.
i) Chronicle - The Society Journal
ii) Clamavi - The Society Newsletter
iii) The website
iv) Internal mailing lists
v) Internal web based fora
vi) Policy Documents and Officer's Regulations
vii) Other documents produced by the society - including the
c) He shall maintain a library of documents produced within the
Society. Members of the Society shall be able to request copies of
documents from the library.
d) He shall maintain the house style of internal communications and
their method of delivery.
e) He shall work closely with the Press and Media Officer on the
website and external publications to maintain a consistent house style.
They shall ensure that information is shared between these two
f) When text or images are to be made available by a member or an
officer of Regia Anglorum to the membership or the public, the
Communications Officer shall have the right of first sight of any
document. Where required by issues of plagiarism, copyright,
accuracy, libel, obscenity or other legal issues, he shall be jointly
responsible with the Press and Media Officer for the editing of text and
images. Where matters of size, pace, readability, presentation, or other
matters of content, are involved, he shall act where necessary in an
advisory capacity. The author shall have the right of last choice in this
g) He shall act as a clearing house and archivist for documents or
information that require communication to the Society unless otherwise
specified by the High Witan.
h) He shall advise and assist the society, and its officers, on technical
matters that fall within his jurisdiction.
xi. The HW may elect a Publicity Officer (PO)
a. He shall have a broad responsibility for publicity both between the
Society and its clients and internally in order to both raise public
awareness of events and at local level to attract new members.
b. He shall strive to raise the public profile of the society and seek new
opportunities .
c. He shall make it his particular concern to work closely with the Eolder
in order to provide a prospective client with a range of publicity options.
d. He shall procure professional design services where required and
produce and promote a range of products for use at both Society and
local level.
e. He may provide a ‘Publicity Presence’ at selected shows, incorporating
literature, membership contacts and corporate hospitality.
f. He shall provide related support and services for the benefit of Regia
Anglorum, it’s officers, group leaders and membership.
g. He shall not alter or re-interpret the image or standing of the society
nor create original information without High Witan consultation
xii.The HW may elect a Sponsorship Officer (SO)
a) He shall actively seek sponsorship for such items, events and
projects as the HW may direct. He shall liase with the Eolder in this
b) He shall instigate and maintain contacts and good relations with
actual and potential sponsors.
xiii. The HW may elect a Maritime Officer (MarO)
a) He shall have responsibility for all non-fiscal matters
appertaining to the ship replicas that the Society shall own or have
in its keeping from time to time.
b) He shall ensure that the vessels are maintained in a good state
of repair and shall liaise with the Eolder and Treasurer in this regard
as may be necessary and reasonable.
c) He shall maintain a record of those involved in the maritime
aspect of the Society’s activities, and those with relevant marine or
nautical qualifications or experience.
d) He shall arrange training sessions at Society Events where
practical and, working with the Eolder, organise Training Weekends
and other similar events where the members of the Society may
gain intensive skill training.
e) He shall have an overview of all maritime matters within the
Society. He shall promote the maritime aspect of the Society’s
f) He may appoint deputies, the number of which (including himself)
shall not exceed 1.5% of the total membership of the Society, unless agreed
otherwise by the HW. He shall co-ordinate their activities, and report back to
the HW upon them from time to time.
xiv. The HW may elect an Ecclesiastical Officer. (EcclO).
a) He shall attend at least half of the Society’s major events in any
one year.
b) He shall initiate and correlate research into the Church in these
Islands in the Society’s Period of Interest.
c) He shall promote the ecclesiastical aspect of the Society’s
activities. He shall control the Ecclesiastical Rank system of the
Society, in consultation with the local group leaders of members of
the Society involved in this aspect.
d) He shall ensure that the bounds of good taste and authenticity
are not exceeded by the words or actions of any religious ceremony
or display at a Society Event, or by the actions or words of himself
or those responsible to him. He shall ensure that all religious
ceremonies performed as part of the public displays of the Society
are verifiable from primary sources from the Society’s Period of
Interest. He shall advise the AO, MAA and LHC in this regard.
e) He shall call, organise and attend meetings of all those involved
in the ecclesiastical aspect of the Society’s displays. These
meetings, known as Synods, may be attended by all those with an
interest in this aspect, whether they hold ecclesiastical rank within
the Society or not.
f) He shall promulgate policy and regulations regarding the
ecclesiastical aspect of the Society’s activities. This shall be
distributed to at least the members of the HW.
g) He may appoint deputies, the number of which (including
himself) shall not exceed 1.5% of the total membership of the
Society, unless agreed otherwise by the HW. He shall co-ordinate
their activities, and report back to the HW upon them from time to
xv. The HW may elect a Missiles Officer (MiO)
a) He shall attend at least half of the Society’s major events in any
one year.
b) He shall oversee the training of the Society’s members who wish
to take part in combat and other missile displays within the Society.
He shall therefore be responsible, insofar as it may be practical and
reasonable, for the safety in use of the missile weapons that the
Society’s members may employ in such displays
c) He shall instigate and maintain a policy appertaining to the use
and construction of missile weapons. This shall be published and
circulated to at least the members of the HW at the Society’s
expense. Changes, additions and other modifications shall be
circulated from time to time.
d) He shall instigate, maintain and oversee a formalised system of
training throughout the Society that will enable a member to acquire
and progress in such missile weapon skills
e) He shall instigate and maintain testing procedures that are
aimed at ensuring the greatest safety of members participating in
missile displays, insofar as that may be possible.
f) He shall regularly liaise with the AO, MAA, MTO and local group
training officers (see C5Bix) with the aim of ensuring consistent
training methods throughout the Society.
g) He shall arrange training sessions at Society Events and at
Training Weekends and other similar events where the members of
the Society may gain intensive skill training. He shall work with the
Eolder and MTO in this regard.
h) He may appoint deputies, the number of which (including
himself) shall not exceed 1.5% of the total membership of the
Society, unless agreed otherwise by the HW. He shall co-ordinate
their activities, and report back to the HW upon them from time to
xvi. The HW may elect a First Aid Coordinator (FAC)
a) He shall maintain a list of all members of the Society who are
qualified and willing to serve as First Aiders at the Society’s events.
b) He shall ensure that adequate First Aid cover is provided for all
Society Major Events, where sufficient notice of an event has been
c) He shall institute and maintain a record of injuries sustained by
members of the Society
d) He shall ensure that First Aid equipment held by the Society be
maintained in a state of readiness. He shall ensure that Society First
Aiders are reimbursed for personal expenditure of First Aid
equipment (through the Society Treasurer)
e) He shall generate specific policies regarding the provision and
practice of First Aid within the Society.
xvii. The HW may elect a Merchandising Officer (MeO)
a. He shall attend at least half of the Society’s major events in any
one year.
b. He shall manage the Society’s Merchandising Unit, and shall
ensure that a trading stall is operated at Society Major Events as
often as is practicable.
c. He shall control the Society’s Merchandising Account, and shall
return details of all transactions and levels of stock etc. to the
Treasurer on a monthly basis. He shall agree an annual budget with
the Treasurer for the purchase of stock and the running expenses
of the Unit. Any profits of the Unit shall be paid back to the
Society’s general funds on an annual basis.
d. He shall produce a business plan annually as part of his Officer’s
Report, and shall review this regularly.
e. He may not make any payment relating to the purchase of stock
from his personal accounts. In this regard attention is particularly
drawn to R2iii above.
f. In conjunction with the Eolder, he shall ensure that any relevant
licences required to trade at an event are obtained by the Society.
g. He shall give his active consent before any goods destined for the
Merchandising Unit are purchased by the Society
xviii The HW may elect a Wychurst Project Coordinator (WPC)
a. He will be a proven member of the society with experience in
managing Regia members at events, training weekends or in other
b. He must be prepared to be proactive in organizing and planning the
project, both in current detail and forward planning.
c. He must expect to attend and work at 75% of working weekends at
the site.
d. He will identify and encourage Regia volunteers to the project and
provide assistance and advice to them in acquiring skills and
materials as necessary.
e. He will delegate appropriate persons to tasks and provide other
persons to support them as necessary.
f. He will work to promote the project both within the society and
externally, providing frequent reports to the society at appropriate
g. He will work with the Eolder in seeking work and funding for the
society, where this involves the project, and will assist in organising
events and filming on the site where appropriate.
2C. Advisory Councils
i. Society Officers may, at their discretion, gather around them a number
of advisors.
ii. These advisors must include any Deputies they may appoint under the
iii. These advisors must be seen to represent the whole membership of
the Society, with particular regard to geographical distribution.
iv. Whilst such Councils may assist Society Officers in formulating and
promoting policies and rulings, their decisions are purely advisory, and
are not binding on either the Officer or the HW.
2D. Co-opted Officers
i. The HW may co-opt any Full, Adult Member of the Society to fulfil a
specific role.
ii. Such Officers must be co-opted by a vote at a meeting of the HW,
which shall also determine the terms of reference and duration of such
a position.
iii. Co-opted Officers shall have the authority and duties of Society
Officers within their brief.
iv. Their posts shall be reviewed annually in any case.
v. The HW may decide to promote the Co-opted Office to a Society
Office. In this case R2A shall immediately apply, and an open election
3. Displays
i. A Society Major Event is one deemed to be so by the Eolder or the HW. In
general terms the parameters are as follows:
a. The event is one that requires a large input from the membership
b. The event is one which large numbers of the membership may be
expected to attend, working from previous experience.
c. The event is one that earns a fee of or in excess of £1000.
ii. The membership shall be aware that the Society obtains the principal part
of its income from public events. The majority of these events are Major
Events, which pay the Society high fees. Major Events are the single best
way of ensuring the future growth and success of the Society.
iii. Major Events shall at all times take precedence over public events
organised at local group or regional level, Training Weekends and
banquets and similar social events. Such local events and Training
Weekends shall only be booked after liaison with the Eolder, in order to fall
under the aegis of the Society with regard to Public Liability Insurance etc.
iv. Information regarding Major Events shall be made available to the
membership as far in advance as is practical. Announcements or detailed
information shall be sent out either in a mailing to the members of the HW
or by means of the Society Newsletter. The Eolder shall have the
responsibility of ensuring that full details of an Event are sent to at least the
members of the HW no less than two weeks in advance of the Event.
v. Where such details are not sent out in a general mailing such as a Society
Newsletter, it is the responsibility of the local group leaders to disseminate
the information to the members of their groups.
vi. Leaders of local groups are required to inform the Eolder of the number of
their members likely to attend an event at least seven days prior to its
vii. Other work undertaken by Regia, such as film-work, week-long events and
so forth may allow the Society to pay its members’ expenses, provide food
etc. All such payments are intended to cover out of pocket expenses and
are not to be considered as pay within the context of tax or NI. The Society
reserves the right to claim a percentage of any fee charged by the Society
for its members’ services to a third party, which percentage shall be
abstracted at source.
viii. A ‘Hosting Fee’ will normally be paid to local groups who are hosts to
Regia for a Major Event. This is to reimburse the local group for its efforts
in on-site management, pre and post-event activity (e.g. erection of
signage etc.) and other matters. The amount is to cover the group’s
inconvenience, any costs shall be claimed back through the Treasurer in
the usual way. The fee shall be paid to the hosting group within seven days
of the closure of the event. The amount shall be fixed by the HW from time
to time.
ix. Further regulations for Events may be produced by the Eolder, in
consultation with the LHC, MAA, MTO and Treasurer, where relevant.
3A. Booking Major Events
i. No Society Event of any kind shall be discussed, booked or any kind of
agreement (written or verbal) entered into or considered, nor any fee
discussed by any person acting or purporting to act as an agent of the
Society without the prior knowledge and written agreement of the Eolder.
ii. Information that may lead to the booking of Society Events of any kind shall
be referred to the Eolder with all speed, as shall all enquiries from clients,
prospective or otherwise.
iii. Wherever possible, but at his discretion, the Eolder shall involve the local
group leadership in discussions with prospective clients for Society events
that fall within the Land Grant of that local group. The intention is that all
can be seen to be ‘above board’ and that the local group can gain first
hand knowledge of the kind of agreement entered into.
3B. Event Infrastructure
i. A meeting (the Morning Meeting) shall be held at 1000hrs (or one hour
before public opening, if earlier) on each day of an event. All Society
Officers (and any of their Deputies) present at the event shall attend, along
with a delegate from each local group attending. The LHC, MAA and MTO
shall ensure that ‘wic leaders’ and ‘army commanders’ shall also attend if
they be neither Officers nor group leaders. The location of the meeting
shall be at a central part of the display area.
ii. An Officer of the Day (O/d) shall be appointed at the beginning of the
event. In general the leader of the local group (or a nearby group where
there is no local group covering the event site) shall be appointed.
a. He shall have an overview of the event and work closely with the Eolder,
LHC and MTO to ensure its smooth running.
b. He shall have a general responsibility for the Third Millennium Campsite
(TMC), its organisation and placement. He shall expect the co-operation
of the members of the Society with regard to the placement of tents and
vehicles, and the maintenance of necessary access to all parts of the
c. He shall be responsible for tidying the TMC, ensuring that toilet facilities
are functioning, ensuring the timetable of the day is widely known and
generally dealing with such matters as shall need his attention through
the day. He shall have authority over the areas of the LHE and military
display areas outside the hours of public display, and shall ensure that
they are clear of dangerous or noxious items or substances before the
commencement of the public display each day. He shall expect the cooperation
of the members of the Society in this regard.
d. He shall remain entirely sober during the hours of his responsibility.
e. He shall have the authority of a Society Officer during the hours of his
f. With the consent of the Morning Meeting, the position of the O/d may be
rotated among several persons throughout the event. However the
identity of the O/d shall be known at all times.
iii. The Morning Meeting shall also approve the appointment of a Site Safety
Officer (SSO), on the same lines as that of the O/d. No-one shall hold both
positions simultaneously.
a. He shall have an overview of all aspects of site safety, on the display
areas and the TMC. He shall be available during his hours of
responsibility and shall be entirely sober during them. He shall deal
expeditiously with all matters as shall require his attention.
b. He shall have responsibility for First Aid provision at the event as the
Society’s Appointed Person. He shall be made aware of the identity of
all members of the Society present at the event who are known to the
Society as First Aiders. He shall liaise with the FAC and external First
Aid organisations if any be present.
c. He shall have the authority of a Society Officer during his hours of
iv. The O/d and SSO shall make it their joint and several business to
ascertain the locations of:
a. The nearest doctor’s surgery its telephone number and the number of
the local Out-of-Hours GP service.
b. The nearest late opening pharmacy
c. The nearest hospitals with a 24-hr Accident and Emergency Unit, and
the nature of other local NHS hospitals (e.g. Minor Injury Units etc.)
d. The nearest working public telephone with a 24-hr. 999 facility.
They shall either know and be able to drive the route to these facilities
themselves, or obtain the services of a car driver who does.
v. The O/d shall also ascertain the location, nature, opening hours, telephone
numbers etc. of local food outlets and public houses. He shall make this
information available to the attendant membership.
vi. The O/d, together with the local group leader shall ensure that ready
supplies of potable water, sand and firewood, and sanitation facilities are
available on their arrival on site, even if the Eolder has physically checked
that such supplies and facilities will be available whilst arranging the event.
If necessary they shall take steps to acquire such, and shall receive
necessary remuneration from the Treasurer.
vii. The local group leader (or nearest neighbouring group leader), shall, on
receipt of no less than seven days written notice, arrange the transport of
members to and from the nearest railway station and/or bus station to the
site, if necessary.
viii. A record of those members of the Society attending any Society Event
shall be kept at that event and retained by the MO.
3C. The Responsibilities of the Membership
i. It is the duty of the individual member, guided primarily by the leadership of
his local group, and then by the relevant Society Officers (and their
Deputies) to ensure that any items of clothing and/or equipment intended
for public display at any Event are:
a. safe in their construction and use (under the relevant regulations of
the Society Officers) and
b. authentic for the display, bearing in mind the location and published
dateline (if any) for the Event.
ii. It is the duty of the AO and MAA to inform the membership of the details of
general and wargear authenticity for Events, and they shall maintain strict
control over this aspect of the Society’s function. The member shall bear in
mind that, after safety, standards of authenticity are the prime and abiding
interest of the whole Society.
iii. Members of the Society shall not consume alcohol during the hours of
public display of an Event, and shall be sober at any time when they
appear in public during those hours. Members of the Society shall not
consume tobacco products during the hours of public display of an Event
when appearing in public and in such costume as shall connect them with
the Society. Detailed regulation of this matter shall be in the hands of the
O/d, MTO and LHC at Major Events.
iv. The repeated use of foul or blasphemous language by a member of the
Society in such contexts as may connect him with the Society, particularly
when in the hearing of a minor or minors, the general public, or the Client
or the Client’s agent or representative may be dealt with by means of
immediate removal of the member from the display areas, followed by such
action as a quorate Emergency HW shall determine. Such an EHW may be
immediately convened.
v. No member of the Society shall take or willingly expose himself to any form
of non-medically prescribed drug, nor any compound that could be
construed as such at any time when attendant at an Event, nor in any
context that may in any way or at any time connect him with the Society,
upon risk of immediate removal of the member from the Event, suspension
of membership, and such action as a subsequent HW shall determine.
Such a HW may be immediately convened.
vi. No member of the Society shall wilfully disregard an instruction given to
him by a relevant Society Officer (or person holding due authority at an
Event) on a matter of health and safety, upon risk of immediate removal of
the member from the Event, suspension of membership, and such action
as a subsequent HW shall determine. Such a HW may be immediately
4. Financial Procedures
i. The Society Treasurer shall issue detailed regulations, pro-formis etc.
regarding financial matters from time to time.
ii. All claims made upon the Society by the membership regarding payments
of fuel expenses for attendance at displays, where such payments have
been announced in advance by the Eolder. shall be made on the relevant
pro-forma and be accompanied by VAT receipts for the amount claimed.
Local groups shall submit claims for their members, and payments shall be
made by cheque to the local group, except in exceptional circumstances
4A. Group Projects
i. Any Established Group of the Society has the right to make a request to
the HW (through the Treasurer) for grants in cash or kind to forward group
projects. Decisions on such matters shall be made by an assembled HW.
ii. A feasibility study must be prepared and presented to the HW. It shall be
accompanied by an estimate of the amounts of money required at any
stage, and an estimate of completed costs. Where materials or outside
labour are required, three estimates from different sources shall be
iii. The local group leader shall generally be held accountable for the
overview and accurate accounting of granted materials and money, and
the final production of the project. The HW may appoint another person in
his place if it sees fit. This accountability shall extend to MODERN law.
iv. Reports of project progress shall appear in each issue of the Society
Newsletter published during the duration of the project.
v. No project shall last more than twelve months unless decided otherwise by
the HWBM.
vi. If a project is not completed within the stated time, any remaining monies
and materials shall come under the management of the Society with
immediate effect.
5: Safety
i. The Society's policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working
conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our members and to
provide such information, training and supervision as they may need for
this purpose
ii. The allocation of duties for safety matters and particular arrangements
are contained in ‘Safety: Everybody's Business’ available upon request
from the Society, and within this CoL (see R3 above). The membership of
the Society shall remain familiar with the provisions of these documents.
iii. The Society shall maintain an insurance policy in relation to Third Party
Risks and Employer's Liability
iv. The Society shall keep its safety policies up-to date, by means of regular
reviews by the HW and/or relevant Society Officers
v. All public displays of the Society, whether of a military nature or not, shall
be secured from public access by means of such rope barriers as shall
be appropriate to the display.
5A. Health Considerations
i. The Society respectfully submits that those suffering from HIV or other
blood-borne infections consider their involvement with an activity where
edged tools and weapons play a major part
ii. All members of the Society shall ensure that they have all their relevant
inoculations up to date.
iii. All members of the Society shall institute and maintain such personal
hygiene procedures as may be practicable when attendant at a display.
Procedures regarding the cleanliness of food preparation and
consumption areas and equipment shall be instituted and maintained by
individuals and local groups.
iv. A member taking a medicine (whether medically prescribed or not)
which could cause drowsiness shall not engage in a military display, nor
use edged tools on the LHE.
5B. Safety of Equipment
i. It is the personal duty of every member of the Society to ensure that any
item of equipment which they own or use is safe in its construction and
method of usage. When in doubt, the relevant Society Officer shall be
ii. Weapons and tools shall be kept free from rust, rot, cracks, burrs or other
defects in their material construction.
iii. No weapon shall be deliberately thrust into the ground at any time. Where
a weapon is accidentally put into the ground, it shall be immediately
removed and cleaned before further use.
6: Justice and Discipline
i. All procedures involving matters under this section shall conform to the
principles of C4A above.
ii. Where a meeting under C4A is to be held to examine the behaviour,
competence, actions or inactions of a member or members of the Society,
the member or members concerned must be informed of its location and
nature at least seven days beforehand, whether by post to their last
known address, or by hand, with the witness of either an officer of the
local group (for hearings at local level), or a Society Officer (for hearings
before the High Witan). This section does not apply to meetings of the
HW called under R3C.
iii. The Lawspeaker must likewise be informed in advance of any such
meeting, and shall make himself freely available to the parties to advise
them of their rights and duties.
iv. The member or members concerned are not obliged to attend the
meeting. They may ask a Senior Member of the Society to speak for them
at the meeting. There is no duty laid upon any such member to accept the
v. Where a vote is taken either party may request that it be taken by secret
vi. The proceedings of the meeting must be minuted and signed as a true
record by both parties. Copies of minutes and relevant documentation of
all hearings held under these regulations resulting in action under R6B
below must be held under seal by the Lawspeaker and the local group
leader of the member or members concerned.
vii. Once a member or members have been cleared of any matter brought
against them by either the local group or the HW, the matter may not be
raised again nor appealed under 6A below. A hearing before the HW shall
not be supplemented by action at local level, nor vice versa.
viii. If a member resigns his membership in the period between being
informed of a hearing and the date of that hearing, the details of the
matter shall be forwarded to the Lawspeaker, who shall hold them under
seal and inform the MO of the name of the member concerned. Such
persons may not rejoin the society without consent of the HW, who shall
examine the matter before giving their consent.
ix. The Lawspeaker may issue further regulations on this matter from time to
6A: Appeals
i. Decisions of local groups under C4A may not be appealed. The
Lawspeaker shall refer the matter to the HW for re-examination if, in his
opinion, the procedure undertaken by the group contravenes the CoL. If so,
he shall notify the Chair of the HW, the Eolder and the parties involved
within seven days of his receipt of the documents regarding the matter and
shall not entertain any canvassing on the subject.
ii. Decisions of the HW (except under R3C or above) may be appealed to the
next quorate assembly of the HW, where the matter shall be re-examined.
No further appeal shall take place.
6B: Available Penalties
i. Expulsion from the Society. The MO shall be informed by the
Lawspeaker of the names of expelled individuals after any appeal under
R6A above shall have taken place. Expelled members are not eligible to
rejoin the Society. Where a local group has expelled a member from the
Society, the Lawspeaker shall refer the matter to the HW for ratification.
The member or members concerned shall be suspended from all office
and activity within their group and the Society until the decision of the HW
is made known. The HW shall treat such a referral as a request for an
Emergency HW and shall act as under R1A above. If the HW fails to ratify
the expulsion, the procedure under R6Bii shall immediately apply.
ii. Expulsion from the Local Group. Members shall be suspended from all
office and activity within their group and the Society immediately after any
appeal under R6A above shall have taken place. The MO shall be informed
by the Lawspeaker of the identities of members so affected. Such
members must make a successful application to join another local group in
order to re-activate their membership. No concealment of the grounds of
expulsion shall be made, and the record of the hearing shall be made
available by the Lawspeaker to GLs to whom application is made if they so
desire. If no successful application is made within six weeks of the
expulsion, no further application may be made, and the member or
members concerned shall no longer be eligible for membership of the
iii. Loss of Officership (Motions of No-Confidence). Officers of a local group
may be stripped of their offices by the local group. The HW may strip a
Society or Co-opted Officer of his post. In the case of Society Officers, an
election under R2 above shall be instigated as laid down. Group Offices
shall be filled according to that group’s regulations.
iv. Formal Censure of an Officer. An officer may be censured by his
appointing body. Notice of such censure shall appear in the Minutes of that
body, together with instructions (if any) as to his future actions.
v. Re-election of an Officer. An officer may have his post put up for reelection
by his appointing body. An officer is at liberty to stand for reelection,
if he wishes.
vi. Degradation. Local groups may demote their members from Earned
Ranks and Group Honorary Ranks (see R8 below). Society Honorary
Ranks may be removed by the HW. Earned Rank may be regained
according to the regulations of the local group and R8.
vii. Public Rebuke. At local group level this consists of either a notice being
placed in the group’s newsletter (if any), or a statement being read by the
group leader at the next local event held by the group. At Society level, a
notice may be placed in the Society Newsletter, or a statement read by the
Lawspeaker at the next Society Event he may be present at. Such notices
and statements shall restrict themselves to the established facts of the
matter and the decision of the body before which the hearing was held.
viii. Re-Training. A member may lose the right to bear or use a weapon or
use a LHE skill for a period of time. In this instance he must also follow the
regulations of the relevant Society Officer before regaining the use of that
weapon or skill.
ix. Disbarment . A member may be disbarred from attending public events or
group meetings for a period of time.
7: The Local Group
i. No regulation made by the Society regarding its relationship with local
groups, or regarding the relationship of local groups with each other shall
contravene C5.
ii. Each local group is operated on a quasi-independent basis within the
iii. All members of the Society must be members of a local group.
iv. Applicants for membership of the Society must apply through their local
group, where one holds the Land Grant over their place of residence. Any
group may recruit in land held by the Society as a whole. A group may
permit an individual to join the Society through another group, but the
active consent of both group leaders involved is required. A local group is
not required to inform members of other groups resident within its Land
Grant of local group meetings and events, although they are generally
encouraged to do so.
v. In addition to any sanction agreed by the HW under C5Axvi, the MO may
refer applicants to another appropriate local group.
vi. The MO shall be empowered to refer applicants to another local group if
the local group that covers the applicant’s residence has not responded to
the applicant’s initial query within a reasonable time. The MO shall make
one attempt to pursue the query with the local group before referring to
another local group.
vii. The local group leader may be held responsible by the HW for his group’s
viii. Whilst local groups may make agreements between themselves, they
shall not expect the Society to be bound by, or to intervene to uphold or
enforce such agreements, particularly if they fall outside the scope of the
ix. The Lawspeaker and Eolder shall issue detailed guidance on the practice
of these Regulations where necessary.
7A: Transference of Membership
i. Whilst any paid-up adult member of the Society may transfer his
membership to any other local group, the Society does not encourage this
practice unless the member has moved his place of residence into another
group’s Land Grant.
ii. If a member wishes to transfer to another group, he must inform the MO,
providing written proof that:-
a) He has informed his existing group leader of his intention to
b) He has the consent of his new group leader for the transfer to be
c) He has sent both GLs and the MO copies of these documents.
7B: Group Management
i. Local groups shall be run by the local group leader (GL), and a council of
the group’s officers (particularly those required under C5) and such other
Full, Adult, Paid-up members of the group as he may deem suitable.
ii. Local groups may choose their GL, officers and council in any way they
deem suitable.
iii. The Society regards the local group council as advisory to the GL. The GL
must pay due regard to the advice of his council. The GL shall hold a
casting vote in addition to his own at council meetings.
iv. The group council should meet at least monthly, unless prevented by
exceptional circumstances. Local group officers shall attend at least half of
such meetings in a calendar year. The GL has the power to dismiss group
officers who fail to do so.
v. Local groups shall hold a General Meeting each year, preferably on or
around the 21st December. The location, date and time of such a meeting
shall be circulated to the whole membership of the group at least thirty
days in advance. Members of the Society shall regard attendance at their
group’s General Meeting as mandatory.
vi. Local groups shall meet regularly throughout the year. The GL is
responsible for ensuring that combatant members of his group attend
‘battle-practice’, whether at Society or local events, or specifically
organised on a local or regional basis. Such ‘battle-practice’ must fall within
the Regulations produced by the MTO. The GL has the power to debar
combatant members of the group from participation in military displays at a
local or Society event if, in his opinion, that member has undergone
insufficient training in advance of an event, or is unfit to take the field
vii. The GL has the power to invite observers to any group meeting. Other
group members may invite observers with the GL’s permission. Observers
may not speak at meetings unless called upon, and shall be made aware
of this before the start of the meeting.
7C Local Events.
i. A local group may organise events only within its own Land Grant or in land
held by the Society as a whole. They shall be of a nature to fall outside any
or all of the parameters of Major Events as set down in R3 above. A group
may permit a display to be organised on its land by another group, but the
active consent of both group leaders involved is required.
ii. The Society may delegate the running of an event to the local group, or to
the groups in an area (an Area Show). In such cases, at the discretion of
the Treasurer, some or all of the benefits normally accruing to the Society
as a whole may be used primarily in the interest of the local group(s)
participating in such an event.
iii. Local event organisation shall follow that laid down in R3 as closely as
possible. All participants in a local event must be members in good
standing according to the requirements of C4 and C4B above.
iv. It is a duty of the GL to inform the Eolder of a local event as far in advance
as possible. Local events must be notified to the Eolder if they are to fall
under the aegis of the Society with regard to insurance etc. GLs shall
ensure that local events do not clash with events organised by the Society
as a whole as far as is practical.
8: Rank
i. No member of the Society shall expect undue deference or precedence
over another because of any rank or title he may have been awarded at
any time. A rank may only be used at a display by a member if he is attired
in costume, wargear and/or equipment appropriate to it. The AO is
empowered to make rulings regarding disputes in this area.
ii. No rank or title awarded by a body within the Society shall have any
relevance outside the Society or its activities.
iii. No rank or title awarded by the Society shall be regarded as hereditary.
iv. Where a specific title is accorded to a rank in these Regulations, that rank
shall also be assumed to include all titles of equivalent ranks in the other
communities within the Society’s area and period of interest.
v. Awards of ranks may be revoked by the awarding body under the
processes of R6 above.
8A: Earned Rank
i. Probationary Members hold the lowest rank in the Society, and shall fulfil
functions appropriate to unfree peasants in the society’s Period on the
LHE, and the least well-equipped spearmen in the combat display area.
The membership is reminded, however, that abusive behaviour towards
another member of the Society is unlawful.
ii. After the acceptance of the Probationary Member by his local group (under
C4A), he becomes an Established Member, and should be regarded as
being of the free peasantry or townspeople. This rank includes a wide
variety of socio-economic classes and strata, and progress through these
shall be according to the regulations of the local group, providing that
suitable progress is made in the appearance and skill level of the member.
iii. Progress to the rank of Senior Member is not automatic. A candidate must
be able to demonstrate that he is able to adequately mentor new members
of the Society, and act as a source of knowledge on any or all matters to
do with the Society’s Period. Therefore, he must sit an unseen written test
of his knowledge of the period, which shall not fall below a minimum
standard set by the AO, who shall be sent a copy of each test before it is
sat by the candidate. Senior Members shall hold a position akin to that of
the nobility in the Society’s period. Suitable titles etc shall be granted to
Senior Members by their local group, which shall not fall outside the
boundaries of that group’s Grant of Land. The Society recommends that at
least a year’s experience of the Society is necessary before considering
candidacy for Senior Membership. Where strata within local nobility existed
in the Society’s Period, progress within them shall be according to the local
group’s regulations.
iv. Where a group requires a separate military hierarchy, its structure shall be
decided by the group as a whole. Quality of equipment, skill level and
experience shall determine the speed of progression within such
8B: Group Honorary Rank
i. The leader of a local group shall be accorded the rank of a Senior Member
as of right. However, where he has not passed the examination set down in
R8Aiii above, he should aim to pass it at the earliest opportunity. This may
be set in the first instance by that group’s Mentor Group, if necessary.
ii. The leader of an Established Group shall be accorded the position of the
royal representative in that group’s area. He may be elevated to his
position in a public ceremony, at which the Eolder, Lawspeaker or CHW
may preside.
8C: Society Honorary Rank
i. The HW may choose to honour members of the Society for service over
time to the Society, or for specific acts of valour or outstanding
achievements in research and display. This shall be done by a vote at an
assembly of the HW.
ii. The HW may make a Vote of Thanks to any individual or group within the
Society, to take such form as shall be appropriate in each case.
iii. Where a member has served the Society well and at a high level over
many years, the HW may accord him the rank of Eorl (or in highly
exceptional circumstances, Æþeling). The rank of Eorl is also permitted to
the current group leaders of those groups currently holding Eorldom status
under C5. Promotion to Eorl or Æþeling must be marked by a public
ceremony before the Eolder.
iv. The Society may, by vote of the HWBM or by referendum of the whole
membership, elect one individual at any one time to hold its titular
headship. Such a person shall be accorded the title of King. Kingship shall
be renewed every three years.
v. The title of Archbishop may only be granted by the HW, to one individual
whose active service to the Society’s ecclesiastical displays has been
exceptional and prolonged. All other progression within the ecclesiastical
structure of the Society shall be governed by the EcclO.
vi. The title of Staller may only be granted by the HW, to one individual
whose active service to the Society’s military displays has been exceptional
and prolonged. All other progression within the military structure of the
Society shall be governed at group level under R8Aiv above.
vii. The title of Discthegn may only be granted by the HW, to one individual
whose active service to the Society’s LH displays has been exceptional
and prolonged.
viii. Society Honorary Rank confers no benefit regarding a vote or right of
audience at the HW.
Here end the Regulations of Regia Anglorum, the second volume of Version 6
of the Code of Law, passed by vote of the High Witan January 2000, and as
variously amended by the High Witan at Birmingham.
Martin Williams, Lawspeaker
Oswiu Eadulfing iurisdictor
Regia-AO, Regia-Officers, bureaucrat, administrator

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