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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:42, 30 August 2018 Fishin09.gif (file) 2 KB Admin Fishing spears from the Castle Gardens Museum, York 1
13:41, 30 August 2018 Fishtrap.gif (file) 5 KB Admin A typical cross-section of a fish trap 1
13:41, 30 August 2018 Fishin07.gif (file) 6 KB Admin Long-netting. The net angles in the direction of the incoming tide. When the tide withdraws fish are captured in the net 1
13:39, 30 August 2018 Fishin06.gif (file) 4 KB Admin A finished fishing net 1
13:38, 30 August 2018 Fishin05.gif (file) 4 KB Admin The clove hitch 1
13:38, 30 August 2018 Fishin04.gif (file) 4 KB Admin The sheetbend 1
13:36, 30 August 2018 Fishin02.gif (file) 921 bytes Admin Suggested arrangement of terminal trace using bored stone, nettle-hemp line and barbed iron hook 1
13:35, 30 August 2018 Fishin03.gif (file) 3 KB Admin Methods of long-lining, both from shore and from small fishing vessels 1
13:34, 30 August 2018 Fishin01.gif (file) 3 KB Admin Open-eye and spade-ended hooks from the 10th century from the British Museum 1
13:33, 30 August 2018 BassandCod.gif (file) 14 KB Admin Fishy man 1
13:30, 30 August 2018 Lostwax.gif (file) 8 KB Admin The main basic stages of casting using the Lost wax method. By Colin Levick. 1
13:28, 30 August 2018 Tabweave.gif (file) 3 KB Admin Tablet Weaving in the process of being woven 1
13:27, 30 August 2018 Tb-weave.gif (file) 4 KB Admin A graphic of gold brocaded tablet weave from Birka in Sweden 1
13:19, 30 August 2018 Plaque.gif (file) 5 KB Admin Whalebone plaque, used with a glass smoother, to 'iron' crease or indeed polish linen. By Ben Levick. 1
13:18, 30 August 2018 Gamesmen.gif (file) 6 KB Admin Viking age gaming pieces made of bone and antler. By Ben Levick. 1
13:18, 30 August 2018 Comb.gif (file) 11 KB Admin The idealised stages in making an antler comb. By Ben Levick. 1
13:17, 30 August 2018 Bonepin.gif (file) 2 KB Admin Typical Viking age bone cloak pin and bone handled knife. By Ben Levick 1
13:17, 30 August 2018 Bonebuc1.gif (file) 2 KB Admin Viking age bone buckle found at York. By Ben Levick 1
12:17, 30 August 2018 Normarch.gif (file) 17 KB Admin A Norman archer receives his instructions. By Roland Williamson. 1
12:01, 30 August 2018 Quill8.gif (file) 14 KB Admin Cutting a quill: To "nib" the pen, rest the underside of the point on a smooth, hard surface. Thin the tip from the top side by 'scraping' the blade forward at a shallow angle; then make a vertical cut, either at right angles to the slit or obliquely.... 1
11:56, 30 August 2018 Quill7.gif (file) 11 KB Admin Cutting a quill: If the underside of the nib is too concave, scrape it flat with a clean scooping cut, removing as little quill as possible. 1
11:56, 30 August 2018 Quill6.gif (file) 8 KB Admin Cutting a quill: Shape the nib on the opposite side, making sure the two halves match. 1
11:55, 30 August 2018 Quill5.gif (file) 7 KB Admin Cutting a quill: Shape the nib on one side of the slit. 1
11:55, 30 August 2018 Quill4.gif (file) 7 KB Admin Cutting a quill: Slice a scoop from the underside of the pen, to about half its diameter, and centred on the slit. 1
11:55, 30 August 2018 Quill3.gif (file) 7 KB Admin Cutting a quill: Make a slit in the top centre of the barrel. The best way to do this is to place the point of the knife inside the barrel, and lever the knife blade gently upwards, releasing pressure as soon as a crack occurs. 1
11:54, 30 August 2018 Quill2.gif (file) 8 KB Admin Cutting a quill: Cut away the tip of the barrel at a steep angle. Remove the membrane from inside the feather. 1
11:54, 30 August 2018 Quill1.gif (file) 6 KB Admin Cutting a quill: First shorten the plume (amount of shortening is optional). Then strip away the barb (which would otherwise rest uncomfortably against the knuckle of the index finger). 1
11:43, 30 August 2018 AbbotinDoorway0997.jpg (file) 13 KB Admin Abbot in Doorway. In memory of Steve Hurley who died in in the summer of 1998. He will be sadly missed by all those re-enactors who knew him. 1
09:59, 30 August 2018 Lathe.gif (file) 6 KB Admin A schematic of a pole lathe. By Colin Levick or Roland Williamson. 1
09:58, 30 August 2018 Auger.gif (file) 4 KB Admin A spoon auger used to bore holes into wood. By Colin Levick or Roland Williamson. 1
09:49, 30 August 2018 Weave03.gif (file) 2 KB Admin Broken diamond twill weave (By Roland Williamson or Colin Levick) 1
09:48, 30 August 2018 Weave02.gif (file) 2 KB Admin Twill weave (By Roland Williamson or Colin Levick) 1
09:48, 30 August 2018 Weave01.gif (file) 2 KB Admin Twill weave (By Roland Williamson or Colin Levick) 1
09:48, 30 August 2018 Loom2.gif (file) 10 KB Admin Loom (By Illustrations by Roland Williamson or Colin Levick) 1
09:48, 30 August 2018 Loom.gif (file) 9 KB Admin Loom (By Illustrations by Roland Williamson or Colin Levick) 1
09:42, 30 August 2018 HogsbackTomb.gif (file) 9 KB Admin A Viking hog back tombstone lid. By Colin Levick 1
09:41, 30 August 2018 Stonecross.gif (file) 8 KB Admin Stone cross by Colin Levick 1
09:41, 30 August 2018 SaxonCarving3.gif (file) 8 KB Admin Saxon carving by Colin Levick 1
09:41, 30 August 2018 SaxonCarving.gif (file) 5 KB Admin Saxon carving by Colin Levick 1
09:37, 30 August 2018 Sprang4.gif (file) 17 KB Admin Sprang 4 1
09:37, 30 August 2018 Sprang3.gif (file) 13 KB Admin Sprang 3 1
09:37, 30 August 2018 Sprang2.gif (file) 11 KB Admin Sprang 2 1
09:37, 30 August 2018 Sprang1.gif (file) 17 KB Admin Sprang 1 1
13:58, 28 August 2018 Oven02.jpg (file) 13 KB Admin A clay covered wicker frame oven after firing. This was built in Denmark at the Lejre Folk Historic park near Roskilde in 1994. 1
13:44, 28 August 2018 Oven3.gif (file) 7 KB Admin Removing the perfectly baked food or burnt offerings from the oven. By Colin Levick. 1
13:44, 28 August 2018 Oven2.gif (file) 3 KB Admin Raking out the hot ashes and fire from the oven. By Colin Levick. 1
13:44, 28 August 2018 Oven1.gif (file) 3 KB Admin Lighting the oven. By Colin Levick. 1
13:34, 28 August 2018 Naalb02.gif (file) 5 KB Admin Diagrammatic construction of the Coppergate sock 1
13:32, 28 August 2018 Naalb01.gif (file) 8 KB Admin A basic method of naalbinding 1
13:27, 28 August 2018 Lucet3.gif (file) 1 KB Admin Lucet 3 1
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